101 in 1001

101 in 1001:


001. Get tattoo. + 052110
002. Drink water only for one month (0/30)
003. Start a workout, get healthy or stay in shape.
004 Have a spa day for myself, complete with facial&massage.
005. Graduate from college.
006. Get my bright futures back. + 062410
007. Ssssh, this one is a secret and i'll never tell. + 072410
008. Develop five habits to make my life more "green". (0/5)
009. Write a "if anything ever happens to me" letter.
010. Change my style.
011. Lose 30 pounds. (5/30)
012. Do something different to my hair, while keeping it long.
013. Find a counselor that i'm comfortable with.
014. Come up with my own recipe. +2010
015. Start a blog.
016. Start wearing office clothes to work.
017. Become more religious.
018. Find out what i want to be when i grow up.


019. Go on a date a month for 6 months. (0/6)
020. Go on a vacation, just the two of us.
021. Take pictures in a photobooth.
022. Beat him at an XBOX game.
023. Watch the sunrise.
024. Cook a romantic dinner.
025. Plan a special 'just because' outing.
026. Finish the All About Us book without killing eachother.
027. On the 1st morning in our new place, bring him breakfast in bed.
028. Go on a picnic.
029. Watch step brothers. + 102409
030. Start working out together.


031. Visit the old people more often.
032. Surprise bita && MAKE her & miguel go out one night while i babysit.
033. Have a girls weekend, sisters MUST attend.
034. Spend a day with my mom.
035. Host a sleepover for the littles in the family.
036. Visit/hang out with jessica && mike.
037. Go on a family vacation.
038. Eat Ethiopian food with bleens.
039. Travel somewhere new with mara.
040. Make puppy chow with my mother-in-law. + 100309
041. Visit grandmother and great-grandmothers' graves and leave flowers.
042. Surprise my sisters with a care package just because.
043. Make a tradition with bleens.
044. Spend a day with Dad.
045. Find the movie Big Man on Campus for mom.


046. Visit a country I've never been to. + 0410 hONDURAS.
047. Ride a train.
048. Live in another city.
049. Visit at least five other states. (2/5) New Mexico, North Dakota
050. Get a new passport (with my married name).+ 0210


051. Buy a printer
052. Develop pictures with new printer.
053. Keep up with a planner/calendar.
054. Transfer pictures from old computer to new one.
055. Make sundays 'cleaning day' for longer than a month.
056. Back up music and pictures from my computer.
057. Be more organized.


058. Set up a "rainy day" fund.
059. Pay off debts.
060. Cut coupons and try to save some $ for 3 months. (0/3)
061. Put aside $20 in savings for each task completed.


062. Send a secret to postsecret.
063. Bake one thing a month for a year (2/12) puppy chow, banana chocolate chip bread.
064. Surprise someone. (with a visit, flowers, something nice)
065. Volunteer to help kids, old people, and poor.
066. Have my fortune told.
067. Leave something in a book at a bookstore.
068. Go through a drive thru and tell them its 'to go'.
069. Get a yorkie.
070. Buy a record player. + 052410
071. See snow for the first time.
072. Build a snowman.
073. Get my round bed. IKEA DISCONTINUED ROUND BED. :(
NEW 073. Go on a hot air balloon ride.
074. Send some fun mail to 5 friends. (0/5)
075. Pay for the person behind me in a drive thru 5 times.(0/5)
076. Get annual pass to theme park and use it.
077. Give a 100% tip to waiter that deserves it.
078. Get myself a polaroid camera.
079. Host a game night.
080. Join/create a book club.
081. Adopt a cat aka MR. FANCYPANTS. +110609
082. Find a organization or missionary to support consistently.
083. Try five foods i've never had before. (3/5) quiche, ahi tuna, bruscetta
084. Find twenty new singers/bands to adore. (1/20) the x-x
085. Do twenty pages of my 'destroy this notebook'. (0/20)
086. Buy/make ten gifts for people, just because. (0/10)
087. Send out 10 handwritten letters to people, just because. (0/10)
088. Learn to drive a stick shift.
089. Read five classic novels. (0/5)
090. Get a library card
091. Have a picture taking day.
092. Make a scrapbook.
093. Make a cookbook.
094. Visit the library, check out some good books.
095. Find a flip-clock. +110709; gift from mara :)
096. Take a photo a day for 6 months and make a coffee table book. (0/6)
097. Give compliments to ten complete strangers. (1/10) a girl's tattoo
098. Try out 5 local restaurants that I've never been to. (1/5) cafe japon
099. Plant a time capsule.
100. Buy a little black dress and feel sexy in it.
101. Find a creative hobby.


about my 101 things!

sooo i figured in order to make this more interestingggg hows about telling all about my accomplishments and how they are coming along! :) enjoy.

003. Start a workout, get healthy or stay in shape.
- well i have stayed in shape. haha. i did go to the gym for about two weeks and have yet to go back! i still plan on trying though.

015. Start a blog.
- here you go!

029. Watch step brothers. COMPLETED OCT. 24, 2009
- this movie was hilariousss! Cody told me over and over again that he owned the movie, after moving in we still didnt find it. so that night we bought it and watched it. it was nice laying on the sofa and watching this with him. it was really funny and i recommend you to watch it. i will admit that i fell asleep at the end. but i always fall asleep when i watch movies at night! we were tired, he fell asleep, too!

040. Make puppy chow with my mother-in-law. COMPLETED OCT. 3, 2009
- it was so nice making this! it was the night after cody and i got married. it was cool because she was super patient. about a year prior to this mara and i had tried to make it. by the way puppy chow is the chocolatey-peanut buttery chex cereal stuff hhaha. its so good. i think the recipe is behind the chex box. anyways, mara and i tried to make it and some how.. it didnt work out. :) butttt this time it came out perfect and it is so easy! i made some more this week but it was with the wheat chex and it didnt come out as yummy. that or it was stale! ha!

049. Visit at least five other states.
- I went to New Mexico for my cousin Mimi's wedding. the wedding was so beautiful. beautiful bride! it was nice. We did have a layover in Houston but i wouldnt consider that visiting the state.

050. Get a new passport (with my married name).
- We are all going on a cruise in April '10, so i sent out for my new passport last weekend!

053. Keep up with a planner/calendar.
- I should really un-italicize that. BUT i am going to try in the new year!

063. Bake one thing a month for a year.
- I told you about the puppy chow. The Banana Chocolate-Chip Bread was really yummy! there were some scares while making it considering it was the first thing i everrrr baked! i was proud of myself though. baking has been my favorite so far! This saturday im making football cookies for cody and jj, the big cowboys vs saints game will be on (GO SAINTS!) and my cookies will say "LACES OUT DAN" **if you dont know where that is from, please go watch ace ventura. now. THENNN for xmas eve i will be making peanut butter balls and pigs in a blanket! :) so excited!

UPDATE ON 073. Get my round bed.
-sadly, my round bed from ikea has been discontinued. this was a sad day. RIP round bed.
NEW 073. Go on a hot air balloon ride.

076. Get annual pass to theme park and use it.
- We got one and went that day.. we hope to use it more in the next year!

081. Adopt a cat aka MR. FANCYPANTS. COMPLETED ON NOV. 6, 2009
- id like to say this is the day i gave birth to my son. he is a bigggg 11 month old white persian. he is beautiful and pretty fancy. i love him with all my heart. he has yet to scratch me. :)

083. Try five foods i've never had before.
quiche - i tried quiche at mimi's wedding and it was good. i'd have it again.
ahi tuna - i tried with bob and mara. bob ordered it and she ordered the large portion, as an appetizer. it was really gross. she devoured it. haha i love bob, not ahi tuna.
bruschetta - cody loves it and he had my aunt martha make it. it is really good. you should try it if you havent yet. :)

084. Find twenty new singers/bands to adore.
- the x-x is good. i havent listened to them in awhile. i need to get back into my music! bad!!

095. Find a flip clock. COMPLETED NOV 7, 2009
-the lovely MARLAFACEEE :) bought me this flip clock from urbanoutfitters, of course. it was only $5! but now we know why, it is really slow. i have reset it numerous times and it just is always behind hours and minutes! haha and it flips really loud. maybe one day i will find another one.

097. Give compliments to ten complete strangers.
- this girl had a tattoo with lots of writing on her arm, i could read much of it but it was really cute. i made sure to let her know. im sure i have given more compliments but i cant remember!

098. Try out 5 local restaurants that i've never been to.
- i went to cafe japon with the bleens for sushi! it was sooososososoosooo good! i wanna go again!